Monday, May 4, 2009

Day 8

Our garden at day 8 is amazing. The bean sprouts seem to have come up over night (left side of garden) and really started growing. It's been pretty rainy so we haven't been watering at all. Sunday morning I went out and we had a ton of mushrooms sprouting up. They were gone this morning so that is hope that nothing under the dirt is routing away from all the rain (this can really happen with Squash)

Also, Saturday we planted Cucumbers, Jalapenos and Garlic in the side garden. (I didn't get pictures of these for some reason.) We put a few garlic cloves in the new garden near the back to keep pests from our neighbors yard. Hopefully, the garlic won't make too many things taste like garlic, but Robert would like that. (We don't worry about Vampires in our house, because Robert LOVES garlic.) I have to get some kind of fencing stuff to keep the dogs (Diego) from trampling my plants. (That's his personal walk through)

I also planted more basil in the top of the tomato plants. We are going to have LOTS of basil this year.

Overall, Pretty exciting!! We are going to clip some of the basil and parsley and put it in the fridge for kitchen use and then see how well it grows back. The parsley has taken off and looks really good.
This weeks project is to get the dirt away from the fence so the fence doesn't rout. We have lots of bricks left over from when our house was built. I'm going to try my best to not disturb anything and pull the dirt back and put the bricks in. Why didn't we think of this before...Hum...

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