Thursday, April 30, 2009

Bird Feeders

In honor of Earth Week...

Sunday afternoon Aiden and I made some bird feeders out of milk and apple juice cartons. I would personally suggest the milk carton over apple juice carton, because the apple juice carton was almost impossible to cut through.

We made one for us and then one for our neighbors across the street. I spray painted their's blue and then wanted Aiden to paint some stuff on it with other paint colors, but he wanted to take it over. So that's what we did.

It really wasn't hard to do.

  • take a milk carton - clean it out (leave the cap on to help keep water out when it rains)
  • cut out 2 holes about fist size - I used an exacto knife
  • punch a couple of holes in the bottom (helps water build up in the bottom) - I used a small screw driver
  • punch two holes in the top of the carton, place wire or twine in holes to hang the bird feeder - I used covered wire.
  • make holes for twigs under the fist size holes
  • paint (if you want to)
  • shove twigs in the holes - this was probably the hardest part, trying to get the hole small enough so the twigs would stick straight out, otherwise the twigs hang down
  • Put seed in, hang it up! DONE

This is our finished bird feeder. I didn't have time to take a picture of the other one we made. Aiden was in a big hurry to get it to his friend. :) Too cute.

We've been watching to see if any birds have been interested. Finally, this morning Robert saw a couple of birds eating out of it. When we let the dogs outside, Lola goes and sits under it, waiting for the birds. (She thinks she's a bird dog, loves to chase birds, guess we can't have an inside bird for a while) The dogs don't stay outside too long, so hopefully she won't scare the birds off.

Also, I found this website of things to do with a milk carton - evidently they sit in land fills forever, so if you don't recycle them the never go away. Or you can make crafty garden things out of them!

Monday, April 27, 2009

New Garden

We got the garden done this weekend!!

We went to Home Depot Saturday morning and bought bricks, dirt, plants and more. Then, came home and got to work. Poor mom and Robert did most of the work, I helped out when I could, but they didn't want me lifting and doing much. Lisa and I had fun planting in the afternoon.

We planted: Squash, Bell Peppers, Jalapenos, Basil, Parsley, Marigolds, Beans, and Lettuce (although it's not Lettuce time of year, but we are going to try anyway.) We also have some seedlings going inside to plant after they start sprouting (Tarragon, Thyme and Oregano).

We still have last year's garden. I really, really want to try cucumbers again, but am scared of all the cucumber horror stories. I might try some cucumbers and train them (Sounds funny) but you can train their vines on a wire or wire fencing so that they don't take over your house. With the cucs, I'm going to plant more jalapenos (keep away those bugs that eat cucs), garlic (can make the cucs garlic flavor, but also keep away aphids, which killed my cucs last year)

We also got two hanging baskets for Tomatoes and I am looking for mint to put in the top of the hanging baskets, but everyone seems to be out of mint. I'm going to try Mike's this week to see if they have any mint. Mint is supposed to keep away bugs that like tomatoes and give your tomatoes better flavoring!

I'm also in search of French or Mexican Marigolds. They are supposed to be smellier and keep more insects away.

Lastly, we will be buying ladybugs again this year! So fun last year. Might plant some geraniums, and cilantro to keep them around!!

Here are some pics of our new garden!

Sunday night I woke up and thought about how the dirt sitting on the fence wasn't such a good idea. I'm going to put brinks back there so it doesn't eat away at our fence. Will also help as a barrier from our neighbors grass and stuff.

Lettuce and Beans were started from seeds, we will see how that goes, that's a first for us.

Tomato hanging baskets, planning on planting plants on the top to help the tomatoes grow and to keep the dirt in the pots.

PS: I forgot to add that my mom and Robert did most of the work!! Lisa and I planted the plants, but they did all the back-breaking work. Aiden and Paul helped, too!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Weekend fun...

Our weekend is full of lots of projects. Robert took the day off today to get the grass mowed and to start on some of the projects. Tomorrow, Garden!! I'll have pics on Monday!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Earth Week

Nothing has been going on in the garden, other then Aiden spreading dirt from the garden over the yard. Well, the Irises have all bloomed and are now drying up (maybe more blooms will come up) and the roses have started to bloom, too, but not much else.

This weekend Robert and I have our yearly PANKUS Retreat were we spend the weekend with college PANKUS members. So, no gardening this weekend. But next week...

Next week is EARTH WEEK!! We will be working on April 22nd (Earth Day) but I plan to have Aiden help me plant something that day, even if it is just a flower. Then, the 25th and 26th we are getting busy on the gardens!! I'm so excited.

We plan to get as many of our garden projects done on the 25th and 26th, because it should be a nice weekend, and It's Earth Week.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Here are some of the projects we will be working on over the next 6 weeks. Along with all the other stuff we have to get done...

For our front yard Robert is thinking that this year we are going to dig up all the monkey grass and plant Hibiscus! I am totally excited about that!!!! Can't wait.

It's also time for me to cut back the bushes. For my birthday one year I asked for an electric hedge trimmer. It is super cool and easy to use. Watch out, here comes prego with an electric hedge trimmer!

Dad said that he would be happy to help me make the rotating composter. I am super excited about that, too. Probably, overly excited. Every time we eat dinner I think, "that could go in the composter, and that, and that..." It's going to be fun, I know it! Or stinky... Oh well, probably both.

Also, I think this year we are going to have 2 veggie gardens. One where the veggie garden was last year. It's a 3x5 space next to the back porch. Currently dirt that Aiden uses to dig and spread around the back yard. I think we are going to have to get him a sand box to keep him from digging in my gardens. Hum... I guess that's another project. So, we are thinking about putting a few veggies there, but mainly have that as the herb garden.

Then, I know we don't have a very big yard, but somewhere, probably along the back fence we are going to put the rest of the veggies.

This year I am also going to try some tomato hanging baskets with Mint and peas on top!! Fun...I know I'm the only one that finds this fun, but come on! At least it should be pretty!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


Most of our Dutch Irises have bloomed. I took pictures on my way out the driveway today.

I hope they stay longer then a week this time.
My favorite color in irises is purple, Tarleton Pride I guess. We have one purple this year. LOL, that's funny to me for some reason. I know that the pH in the dirt can create different colors, maybe I need to figure out how to make them all purple for next year. We have a lot of yellows and 1 white peeking through.
Our pansies are starting to fade away, probably time to dig them up.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


A couple of years ago I planted Iris bulbs in the front yard. They are dutch irises (my favorite flower)! This morning while pulling out of the driveway I noticed some color starting to peeking through, YAY! Bad thing is they only look good for about a week and then just look like weeds again. :( So, I will take some pictures after once they bloom.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Compost designs

ROTATING BARREL COMPOSTER - I want to make one of these. It says that the materials should only cost about $60 which is alot better then the ones you can buy at the store...

This model is about $180.00, which I can't see spending on a composter.

My dad loves making stuff, maybe I could buy the stuff and he and I could put it together! That sounds fun!!

I want to get a rotating one so that I don't have to stir and move the stuff around myself, yuck...Also, last night my Aunt Janna told me that one of our church friends does composting. So, I definitely have to pick her brain!