Thursday, April 9, 2009


Here are some of the projects we will be working on over the next 6 weeks. Along with all the other stuff we have to get done...

For our front yard Robert is thinking that this year we are going to dig up all the monkey grass and plant Hibiscus! I am totally excited about that!!!! Can't wait.

It's also time for me to cut back the bushes. For my birthday one year I asked for an electric hedge trimmer. It is super cool and easy to use. Watch out, here comes prego with an electric hedge trimmer!

Dad said that he would be happy to help me make the rotating composter. I am super excited about that, too. Probably, overly excited. Every time we eat dinner I think, "that could go in the composter, and that, and that..." It's going to be fun, I know it! Or stinky... Oh well, probably both.

Also, I think this year we are going to have 2 veggie gardens. One where the veggie garden was last year. It's a 3x5 space next to the back porch. Currently dirt that Aiden uses to dig and spread around the back yard. I think we are going to have to get him a sand box to keep him from digging in my gardens. Hum... I guess that's another project. So, we are thinking about putting a few veggies there, but mainly have that as the herb garden.

Then, I know we don't have a very big yard, but somewhere, probably along the back fence we are going to put the rest of the veggies.

This year I am also going to try some tomato hanging baskets with Mint and peas on top!! Fun...I know I'm the only one that finds this fun, but come on! At least it should be pretty!!

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