Friday, August 21, 2009

Bugs and More Bugs

So, our organic garden went not so organic last week. I sprayed it with bug spray. We had an infestation of aphids and Rollie Pollies and I couldn't get rid of them with just the soap and water mixture.

Really all that's growing right now is the peppers. And man do we have peppers. Robert goes out to the garden and pulls about 20 off the plants per week. The cucumbers are starting to slow down, but we still have about 1-2 a week of those too.

The beans stalks are still growing, but we have yet to see a's probably too hot.

Oh, Yeah, we still could feed the world with all the basil we have :) If you need basil, you know where to find it!!!

Our strawberry plant is loving the hot weather and growing like crazy, but not producing anything.

We'll be out there this weekend, cleaning up and checking on everything.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Sad Day

I went out to the garden today because the squash plant was looking a little sad. Come to find out the squash plant is sad, because something has been eating it. :( I think it's aphids. So, Robert pulled out the sulfur and sprinkled some on i, don't think it will work for aphids, but it's a good start. Now to research how to get rid of the millions of bugs... off to google.

We still have tons of basil, tons of peppers growing and cucumbers.