Thursday, June 25, 2009

Garden week??

Everything seems to be growing well. We now have jalapenos growing (20 at last count), 4 cucumbers, multiple squash, 3 Roma-Grape Tomatoes, beans are blooming, lettuce is growing, and all that jazz! The only thing is that I've had to move some plants around b/c our squash was taking over the garden. This was crowding the bell peppers (which aren't growing yet) so I moved them up. Let's hope they survive.

Let me take you on a tour of our back yard gardens...

One of the side gardens in the back yard with Elephant Ears, Caladiums, Monkey Grass and a few flowers.

Cucumbers are growing like crazy. We currently have only 3 or 4 cucumbers growing, but we have lots of flowers. Also, in this garden are carrots, pepper plants and marigolds.

Our pretty Hibicus Tree (I killed the last one, b/c I planted it in the ground and then was too lazy to dig it up, so it didn't survive the winter. This one will stay in the pot and go in the garage during winter)

This little garden is mainly Nana's creation. It has flowers, a mini rose bush and those orange flowers that grow tall and I can't remember what they are called.

The Veggie Garden.

Squash, squash and more squash.

Bean Stalks, we have bean flowers, but no beans yet.

Middle of the garden, peppers, lettuce, marigolds, LOTS OF BASIL. (Robert cuts the basil about once to twice a week and it still is growing flowers and getting larger!)



We finished out this side of the back yard garden a couple of weeks ago. It still needs more stones to finish it out completely, but looks great! This is all flowers. (Please ignore the dirt in the grass, we are growing more grass!)

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