We went to Home Depot Saturday morning and bought bricks, dirt, plants and more. Then, came home and got to work. Poor mom and Robert did most of the work, I helped out when I could, but they didn't want me lifting and doing much. Lisa and I had fun planting in the afternoon.
We planted: Squash, Bell Peppers, Jalapenos, Basil, Parsley, Marigolds, Beans, and Lettuce (although it's not Lettuce time of year, but we are going to try anyway.) We also have some seedlings going inside to plant after they start sprouting (Tarragon, Thyme and Oregano).
We still have last year's garden. I really, really want to try cucumbers again, but am scared of all the cucumber horror stories. I might try some cucumbers and train them (Sounds funny) but you can train their vines on a wire or wire fencing so that they don't take over your house. With the cucs, I'm going to plant more jalapenos (keep away those bugs that eat cucs), garlic (can make the cucs garlic flavor, but also keep away aphids, which killed my cucs last year)
We also got two hanging baskets for Tomatoes and I am looking for mint to put in the top of the hanging baskets, but everyone seems to be out of mint. I'm going to try Mike's this week to see if they have any mint. Mint is supposed to keep away bugs that like tomatoes and give your tomatoes better flavoring!
I'm also in search of French or Mexican Marigolds. They are supposed to be smellier and keep more insects away.
Lastly, we will be buying ladybugs again this year! So fun last year. Might plant some geraniums, and cilantro to keep them around!!
Here are some pics of our new garden!
Sunday night I woke up and thought about how the dirt sitting on the fence wasn't such a good idea. I'm going to put brinks back there so it doesn't eat away at our fence. Will also help as a barrier from our neighbors grass and stuff.
PS: I forgot to add that my mom and Robert did most of the work!! Lisa and I planted the plants, but they did all the back-breaking work. Aiden and Paul helped, too!
Looks amazing!! Good job!